SPINEFITTER by SISSEL® Linum & Linum Pro

SISSEL® GmbH (Bad Duerkheim - DE)

The SPINEFITTER cover with natural linseed filling can be used for heat and cold applications on the SPINEFITTER. The Linum/Linum Pro is perfect for relaxation, loosening up the muscles before or after training, or to relieve pressure on the paravertebral muscles.

SPINEFITTER by SISSEL® Linum - Ideal for use at home with a soft cover made out of 100 % cotton.

SPINEFITTER by SISSEL® Linum Pro - Specially developed for use in physiotherapy practices, Pilates and fitness studios – thanks to the wipeable and disinfectable surface.

The hook-and-loop fasteners enable the simple insertion of the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL® and the optional Extension Kit.

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